The Carbotrader is concerned with their clients  providing differentiated services that can make them superior  to their market competitors. To make this possible we believe that the encouragement of innovative practices and operational excellence are the natural ways to this occur.

In this spirit we provide advice and consultancy in the following areas:

Carbon Projects

     - Regulated Market (CERs)
     - Voluntary Markets (VERs)
     - WCD Certification (World Commission on
     - Sustainable Index (BM&F)
     - Project Activity monitoring
     - Carbon credits selling

Environmental Sustainability

    - Assistance in Environmental Management ,                     Business and Finance
     - Assistance in Environmental Marketing
        and         Strategic Planning 
      - Emissions Inventory, Reverse Logistics ,                           Recycling and Effluent Treatment
    - Emission Neutralization Projects 
Energy Services

     - Project Design and Installation of Photovoltaic                 System
     - Energy Efficiency Projects
     - Cogeneration Projects
     - Investment Partnership 


  Kyoto Protocol >>>
Greenhouse Effect >>>
Carbon Credits >>>
Mission >>>
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